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7 Unique Facts About Concrete

You may think concrete is not a very exciting subject to talk about, but in our somewhat-biased opinion, that’s not true at all! Here are some interesting things you may not know about concrete.

1.  Concrete is the most-used material in the world. Over 20 billion tons of concrete are used annually. China utilizes 10 billion tons of concrete each year, making them the global leader in concrete usage.

2.  The Romans were the first to perfect the use of concrete for construction. While concrete dates back over 12 million years, the Romans were the first to grasp the makeup of this material and use it successfully. The Pantheon in Rome is the largest unsupported structure in the world.

3.  Concrete is naturally fireproof. Concrete is a preferred fire-proof material because its melting point is approximately 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit.

4.  Cement and concrete aren’t the same thing. Cement is one of the main ingredients in concrete, with the remaining parts being gravel and water.

5.  Concrete holds up under pressure. Concrete can withstand between 3,000 and 7,000 pounds of pressure per square inch (psi). It has also been known to reach 20,000 psi and can withstand more when reinforced.

6.  Concrete keeps getting stronger. 90% percent of concrete’s strength is achieved at the four-week mark. However, due to certain bacteria and the absorption of carbon dioxide over time, concrete continues to strengthen for decades.

7.  Concrete is ideal for underwater structures. Concrete is durable enough to be used under water, making it one of the most-used materials for underwater construction.

At Flesherton Concrete Products, we are a preferred provider of concrete and other aggregates. Contact us today to schedule concrete delivery for your residential, commercial, or municipal project.