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Questions to Ask Your Concrete Delivery Team

Here at Flesherton Concrete Products, we want to help you make all of your construction projects the best they can be, and that means choosing the right materials. Our team understands that you want to use the best materials for your project, and that includes the best concrete. However, we also understand that you don’t have the time to research every possible option yourself, which is why you turn to trained professionals like ourselves. When you call us to arrange for concrete delivery, we’ll first consult with you about your project to recommend what type of concrete is best for your needs. However, there are also questions that you should be asking the concrete delivery team in order to keep your project running smoothly, and we’ll be going over some of them here.

  • What Mix Type? When you place your order with our team at Flesherton Concrete Products, one of the things we’ll determine is what mix type of concrete is best for your project. When you call to confirm your order and delivery time, always make sure to verify the mix type with the dispatcher to ensure you’re getting the right product.
  • How Much? Another thing that we at Flesherton Concrete Products will help you work out is how much concrete you’ll need to complete your project. When it comes to ordering supplies, including concrete, you would rather have some left over than be stuck with too little to get the job done. As such, we recommend ordering about 10 percent more than you think you’ll need. When you call to confirm your concrete delivery order, also check to make sure you are getting the quantity you agreed on.
  • What Cost? The third thing you should confirm with your concrete delivery team is the total cost for materials and delivery service. This is a good time to ask about possible extra fees, like wait time fees or weekend delivery charges. We at Flesherton Concrete Products also recommend discussing these possibilities when placing your order in order to get the best value.