Top 5 Common Myths About Concrete

Concrete seems fairly straightforward. It’s a composite material made of bonded aggregates that is used to construct foundations, buildings, bridges, roads, dams, and more. However, despite the fact that concrete is all around us and we’re all familiar with it, there are a lot of myths about it that a surprising amount of people believe. Today, we are going over five common myths about concrete to set the record straight.

  1. Concrete and Cement Are the Same- These two terms are often used interchangeably, but it isn’t accurate to say they are the same thing. Cement is an ingredient in concrete just as water and aggregates are ingredients that make up concrete.
  2. Concrete Is Impermeable- Water can permeate concrete because concrete is a porous material. However, the density of the concrete can affect how quickly water is able to penetrate it.
  3. Water Weakens Concrete- Water plays an important role in the curing process. So, while it’s true that excess water can weaken the integrity of the concrete, some moisture is needed for the curing process to work properly and to prevent cracking.
  4. Reinforced Concrete Won’t Crack- Concrete can be made stronger when it’s reinforced with steel, but this doesn’t actually prevent cracks. The reinforcement can help to hold the crack faces together, however.
  5. Concrete with Higher Strength Is More Durable- This misconception is understandable, but the two characteristics are not related. Durability is affected by other factors, such as humidity and cement content in the concrete.