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Crushing & Screening, Owen Sound, ON

Our crushing & screening services are equipped to handle large-volume needs of quality gravel.

Crushing & Screening in Owen Sound, Ontario
While much of our business here at Flesherton Concrete Products is meeting the small-volume needs of customers in the Owen Sound, Ontario area with concrete and aggregates, such as gravel, sand, and stone, we want you to know that we are equipped to handle even large-volume needs for pits, quarries, and other customers. Our crushing & screening capabilities allow us to produce gravel in large quantities so we can meet your needs.

Be mesmerized by the process of concrete making!

Our largest crusher produces gravel at a rate of 450 tons each hour. This equates to roughly 22 dump trucks full, so in a normal day, we can produce an extraordinary amount of gravel. While that sounds like and truly is an exceptional amount, we are still diligent to only take on jobs that we know we can reasonably deliver prompt and proper service to. If we take your crushing & screening order, you can be confident you will get it as promised.

Consistency is key and something we are equipped and dedicated to providing. You can rely on us to provide the quality materials you need on time and at a competitive price. We understand the need to keep your project on schedule and on budget and will do our part so that we create a beneficial relationship with your company.

If you have any questions about our crushing & screening services for orders above 10,000 tons of quality gravel delivered directly to your location, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will do our best to provide you with the highest-quality service and products possible.

At Flesherton Concrete Products, we offer crushing & screening services to customers in Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, Flesherton, Orangeville, Owen SoundBarrie, Stayner, Mulmur, Shelburne, and Mount Forest, Ontario.